18 Tips for a Solo Road Trip Out West A solo road trip out west is iconic. But going it alone in regions where gas stations are few and far between does require you to be smart about a few things.
The 10 Essentials for Hiking, Plus a Few Pro Tips A lesson on the 10 essentials for hiking and why they’re especially important when you’re hiking solo, or in rugged terrain.
What's in My Pack: Day Hiking Essentials My pack contains day hiking essentials that will not only keep me comfortable, but also keep me alive in case of an emergency.
8 Surprising Sun-Smart Tips for Outdoor Travel Youthful vanity has led to three painful rounds of topical chemotherapy. So let me share some sun-smart tips.
What to Pack for a Day Hike - Beginner's List Most of my hiking has been done with nothing more than good intentions and a water bottle. But with bigger hikes comes bigger responsibility.